James Lukezic on the Importance of Financial Industry Regulator Authority (FINRA)

James Lukezic is a financial expert who worked as the fiduciary of Merrill Lynch & Co. before becoming the Director of Investments at Oppenheimer & Company, Inc. As such he is accustomed to various different regulatory finance bodies, including the FINRA.

James Lukezic

The Successor of NASD

As the predecessor of the FINRA, the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. was responsible for regulating the New York Stock Exchange. Its successor has the same functions, and as a non-governmental organization, it belongs under the SEC.

Board of Governors

The FINRA has strict bylaws that regulate their board. The members include the CEO of FINRA, the CEO of NYSE Regulation (New York Stock Exchange), public and industry governors and even an independent dealer in addition to small, mid-size and large-firm governors.

Regulatory Role

The FINRA has regulatory capabilities over many different financial entities, including but not limited to equities, corporate bonds, securities futures and options. Being an independent regulator, the FINRA has a wide range of available regulatory tools that allow it to have certain control over the financial community. It has the right to regulate any entities not already regulated by the SRO. This regulatory role also requires the conduction of certain examinations that involve the organization’s member firms. Being the independent force that FINRA is within the financial field, it is clear that its regulatory work is extremely important, and makes the whole financial field more transparent.

Working closely with FINRA, James Lukezic understands extremely important role this regulatory finance body has in the financial field.

To learn More,Visit:http://jameslukezic.jigsy.com/


James Lukezic on the Top Fencing Moves

As an avid fencer who is also a member of the Fencers Club of New York City, James Lukezic understands that learning certain moves can make a huge difference. A fencer will often do some of these moves almost instinctively, but consciously working on them can result in a vast overall improvement.

The Lunge

Lunges are one of the moves that every fencer does to varying degree. It starts with a basic fencing position. If someone is right handed, they lunge with their right foot whereas left handed people will do the motion leading with their left. Squats and other explosive resistance training can help improve the speed, while stretching can help increase the depth of the motion.

The Flunge

The flunge is basically a flying lunge where both legs are in the air during the peak of the motion. It’s even more explosive than the lunge, but it often leaves the attacker more vulnerable to counter attacks.

Passata Sotto

Unlike the lunge or the flunge, this move is a defensive – or more precisely an evasive – motion. It basically means to lower one’s body enough so they can get under their opponent’s weapon before straightening out the sword to finish the move.

Riposte, Remise and Feint

The riposte means to follow the opponent’s attack with an almost instantaneous parry. During a remise one operates with short, thrusting attacks without withdrawing the weapon. Finally, a feint implies a ruse, initiating one or more fake attacks that are followed up with real ones.

As James Lukezic notes, one doesn’t have to be a professional fencer to learn and enjoy these moves, or maybe even become better at them.


James Lukezic – Importance of Volunteerism

As someone who consistently volunteers to help various special needs organizations, James Lukezic understands the importance of giving back. As much as this process is about the aspects of giving and not necessarily about getting something in return, the volunteers benefit from the practice, too.

James Lukezic

It Helps You Strengthen Relationships

Sharing an interest with someone is a special bond that can fuel relationships between people from all walks of life. If you volunteer with someone who you’re already in a relationship with, the bond between the two of you can strengthen even further. Volunteering also strengthens your ties to your local environment.

It Improves Your Interpersonal Skills

Having advanced interpersonal skills is one of the most relevant tools in a work environment. If you become a volunteer, you will frequently meet with a group of people who share at least one, but likely many more interests. That makes this process very similar to those that are usually present in a work environment.

It Helps You Bond with Your Family

If you have a young child or children, volunteering together can offer even more advantages. It is well-known that a child often learns certain patterns from their close environment. Showing some social sensibility is important because it teaches them to care for others and develop empathy.

Most frequent volunteers, such as James Lukezic, believe that pursuing this passion is the most rewarding when it comes from a place of genuine concern. However, if more people were to realize that the process can also offer actual advantages to the volunteers, the organizations would be in much better shape.

James Lukezic – Positive Effect of Fencing

James Lukezic is an avid fencer who likes to pursue his hobby whenever his busy schedule allows him to do so. As one of the most prestigious sports around, fencing is part of the Olympic program since the very first modern Olympic Games that were held in 1896.

James Lukezic

Fencing Is a Top-Notch Exercise with Proven Physical Benefits

We can ignore the history and the adventurous nature of the sport that shines through many movies, but even at its core, fencing is a great exercise. Through its ability to strengthen the leg and core muscles, it can improve strength, coordination and balance. Other potential physical benefits include improved agility, balance, and flexibility. Fencing is also great for the cardiovascular system.

The Mental Aspects

Another benefit fencing can have on those who pursue the sport is its ability to strengthen one’s mental output and improve their concentration and hand-eye coordination. The very nature of the sport requires strong concentration and the ability to identify certain tendencies. If your attention to detail could use some work, fencing could be beneficial to you.

There Are No Age Limits Here

The great thing about fencing is that it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. The youngest competitor who ever medaled in an Olympic fencing competition was Sophie Lamon, a 15-year-old fencer from Switzerland who was part of the team that won the silver at the 2000 Sydney Games. Conversely, Karl Munich who competed during the Stockholm Olympics in 1912 was 64 at the time.

James Lukezic worked hard to develop his fencing skills, and he would like to continue with the sport until he is physically capable of doing so.