James Lukezic – How to Prepare for a Lecture

James Lukezic is a fiduciary advisor who spent two years as a part time lecturer for the Department of Politics at Princeton University. He is a successful professional and, according to the National Association of Plan Advisors, he is one of the top advisors under 40 years old. As a successful professional, he gave lectures at a prestigious university.

James Lukezic

Lecturing at a university is no small feat. Good lecturers work hard to develop engaging material, and it often takes years of practice and experience to be a great lecturer. If you are getting ready to give a lecture at a university, there are several things you should do to prepare yourself.

This first step you should take is to consider what you want the main points of your lecture to be. The rest of your material should support these points. Write out your lecture and make sure that you have plenty of examples and evidence to support your information.

The next step you should take is to read your lecture out, and time it. Most college lectures or classes are on a strict timeline. You should try to avoid running over your allotted time. You can accomplish this by timing your lecture to make sure that you are able to fit in all of your major points. You should also make sure that you leave time for questions or comments at the end of the lecture. James Lukezic is a highly educated and experienced financial professional. He is also experienced in giving university lectures.


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