James Lukezic – An Introduction to FINRA

Having worked in the field of finances for over thirteen years, James Lukezic is familiar with a number of different regulatory finance bodies. One group that he works regularly with is the Financial Industry Regulator Authority, or FINRA.

FINRA is an organization that is dedicated to public investors, and ensuring that the financial markets and companies that make it up act fairly and openly. FINRA ensures basic protections for every investor. FINRA also makes sure that anyone selling a securities product is qualified, licensed, and tested. The organization prevents false or misleading advertising involving securities, and makes sure that every investor receives a complete disclosure about the product before purchase.

FINRA is able to regulate the public market by writing and enforcing rules and regulations for every brokerage firm and broker conducting business in the United States. FINRA also examines brokers/dealers to ensure that they are compliant with not just FINRA rules, but federal securities laws.

Not to be taken lightly, FINRA even has the authority to respond to fraudulent activity. In 2015 alone FINRA filed 1,512 disciplinary actions, resulting in $95 million in fines and 96.6 million in restitution to victimized investors.

FINRA is able to detect fraudulent behavior across markets by utilizing an array of powerful technology and methods. The entity uses various data gathering techniques to find faulty insider trading and other abuses that compromise the market.

As a fiduciary advisor, James Lukezic works closely with FINRA, learning to understand all regulations and help uphold a healthy and fair securities market.

Source(s): https://www.finra.org/about/what-we-do